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Benefits of VAX-D to your clinic


Clinic Reputation

Adding VAX-D as a specialty to your practice allows you to stand out and have the reputation of being the “go–to” place for disc related conditions. Your reputation and visibility within your community is enhanced and you become a community leader not just in health care but around your town.



Health care offices can be very busy and expensive places with doctors often working long hours, and seeing 100 or more patients each day in order to make the finances of the operation beneficial. Adding VAX-D to the clinic allows doctors to see fewer patients in the same or fewer hours with an increased revenue. This frees time in your day to spend either growing your business, working on other business ventures or simply enhancing family time all while maintaining or building your financial stability.


Space Requirements

VAX-D does not require large amounts of office space and often can be added to an existing clinic simply by shifting around room allocation with no additional floor space needed meaning no additional overhead costs.

Increase Your Revenue:

Lots of companies show big financial projections that are impossible to achieve without major commitments or office makeovers. We do not want to be one of those companies. We want to show you real world projections and numbers that are easily attainable.

Real numbers. Real results.

Add 3 New Patients Per month*


per year

PLUS With a back end chiropractic
program at a value of $3200 add:


per year

ADD 4 New Patients Per month*


per year

PLUS With a back end chiropractic
program at a value of $3200 add:


per year

*(Financial Projections for 1 VAX-D table running 4-6 hours per day.)

All said, you can expect to add $385,200 - $513,600 + annually with one VAX-D table.